Is a way to extend external sites to provide:
- FB identity
- FB friends (relationship)
- Feed to FB
Demo app at
User experience:
js login method requiresession(): detects state
of usr-FB relationship, log-in into FB if needed. If user has not authorised app -
present app auth dialog. If already has session - just go
init JS, require session
access FB data:
- FBML on external site - use JS FBML parser and replace in browser DOM with FB data
- JS based API to get FB data, REST API on the server site. Sessions work accross any API
- only small subset of FBML us supported at the moment
adding social content:
- use access API
app developers can suggest connections (using
e-mail hash)
user get connect request on FB
Move content from external sites to FB app can register feed template (3 types of
call JS "showfeeddialog" to request user to
confirm data sharing on FB.
privacy protection:
app can cache data for 24 hrs (for performance reasons). Terms are the same as for FB platform
app can integrate data any way they like -
enable info sharing
SANDBOX is open, TFL - end of summer
More info: