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Lessons from Social Gaming Summit

Many good presentations here. Two that are stand out of the crowd are from MyYearBook and Kontagent.

MyYearBook Ideas

  1. Games Should Advance What Site is About
  2. Play games within streamOpening doors for 3-rd party developers
  3. Anyway games are popular for 6-8 mth except “platform” games
  4. Game promotionViral channels “promotions”, a way to present apps:
  • Bulletin board
  • In-stream games
  • Action Items (below user profile picture)
  • Notifications
  • Profile Box (badges, etc)
Metrics for Social Games (presentation from Kontagent)
Trend Observation: From Viral Analytics early on to User Lifetime Value vs External User acquisition so Retaining engagement is important!

Key matrix to use these days for social apps:
1. Entry event distribution (why and how users get back to the system). More ways to incentivize entries
2. # Outbound messages/Users
3. Viral messages/Conversion (clicks per post)
4. Virality (K-factor) on FB it’s max at ~.5 these days
5. Engagement (time on site, #times user play, #user actions)
6. Exit event distribution (mindset of user when they leave app, indicate potential problems)
7. Retention (revisit rate), measure of engagement. %% users come back in week-by-week bases 8. Lifetime network value revenue_per_user/(1-K)
9. Conversion to Paying Users
10. Avg revenue per Paying User

My Side Note: Advertising should be used for acceleration of successes and should feed from analytics. If detected that app is doing particalually well in some age/gender/area/channel – ads should be (auto) targeted to this area.


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